mpox vaccination

Recommendation for vaccination

The Federal Commission for Vaccination (FCV) and the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) recommend vaccination for the following risk groups:

Group Description Category
1 As preventive vaccination for men who have sex with men and for trans-people with changing sexual partners. Preventive
2 As preventive vaccination for people who are exposed to the moneypox virus for occupational reasons (healthcare personnel in the caring of confirmed/suspected mpox cases and personnel at specialist laboratories handling mpox material). Preventive
3* For close contacts of people ill with the mpox virus. Exposed

No recommendation for vaccination has currently been issued for the broader population.

Vaccination is not recommended for youths under 18 years of age or for pregnant people because not enough clinical safety data is available at this time. In certain cases (such as compromised immune systems), these people may consider the risk and benefit of vaccination in consultation with their doctor.

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Registration for the mpox vaccine

Registration is possible for all Groups (see above) using the following link.

We recommend that you first read through the patient information.

Access to vaccinations is provided to people resident in the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, and in special cases also people resident in other cantons. Moreover, the vaccine is also available for cross-border commuters and Swiss citizens resident abroad.

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* Regarding Group 3: “Close contacts”

Close contact with one of the following forms of exposure within the last 14 days:

• Direct, close body contact such as sexual activities.

• A person exposed to a confirmed case of mpox for an extended period at a distance < 1 meter without protective/hygiene measures.

• A person who had direct contact with contaminated materials such as the clothing or bedlinen of an infectious person.

• Household members (permanent or temporary) of a person with a confirmed mpox infection.

• Healthcare personnel who wore no suitable protective equipment (according to Swissnoso recommendations) during direct and close contact with a person with a confirmed mpox infection or with contaminated material.

Vaccination is intended to prevent contracting the disease, reduce the severity of the disease and lower the probability of further transmission.

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